Archeological hike to location "Strem"
Today we are devoting ourselves to the archaeology and history of our region. People have lived in our region for a long time. This is evidenced by the almost extraordinary discovery in the lower Stremlücke above Brunnifirn.
Since the glaciers reached their peak in the mid-19th century, prospectors have been one of the few people who have benefited from the retreating glaciers. The melting glaciers are exposing new areas where untouched fissures can be discovered.
It is therefore not surprising that it was a prospector who found two antlers, pieces of wood and many rock crystal shards in a fissure melted away by the Brunnifirn below the Lower Stremlücke in 2013.
What was unexpected, however, was that Stone Age hunter-gatherers had left these objects behind many thousands of years ago.
We visit this site and see where our ancestors were already out and about when the glaciers were lower, visiting the neighboring valleys and trading.
On the day tour we start early in the morning from Disentis and climb over the Brunnilücke to the glacier and the site. After the tour and a stay at the site, we descend again via this path or possibly via the Cavardiras Hut into the Val Russein.
13/14 September 2025 - Special event
On these two days there is a combined two-day tour. On the first day we climb over the Brunnilücke to the Cavardiras Hut. In the evening there is a lecture by the geologist Marcel. On the second day we will climb the Oberalpstock / Piz Tgietschen 3327m in the morning and then descend to the site. Marcel will be at the site and explain and show many educational and exciting details. The price for the 2-day tour is CHF 490.-, excluding overnight stay in the hut.
Alpine experience in mountain hiking is required.
Further information about the site
Inbegriffen Planung und Leitung der Tour
exkl. Bergbahnen (in Gästekarte inkludiert)

7th sept. 2025 Archeological hike - Strem | » book |